Now showing items 144-163 of 12623

    • Inclusion in higher education; modern challenges in terms of European integration processes 

      Blavt, O.; Vovk, I.; Stadnyk, V. (2023)
      Ukraine's entry into the European Union requires an increase in the level of educational services for students with disabilities, as well as an improvement in the rather low state of methodical and scientific support for ...
    • Incorporating video content in the esl classroom: learning strategies and conceptual sidelines 

      Зарічна, О. В.; Зарична, Е. В.; Zarichna, O. V.; Мельник, Л. В.; Melnyk, L.; Litvinova, A.; Літвінова, A. М.; Литвинова, А. М. (Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2017)
      Стаття присвячена проблемі використання автентичних відеоресурсів, зокрема фільмів і трейлерів, у вивченні іноземної мови. Поєднання звукового і візуального образів, реальні ситуації спілкування, що мають відповідне мовне ...
    • Incorporating Video Content in the ESL Classroom: Learning Strategies and Conceptual Sidelines. 

      Зарічна, О.В.; Заричная, Е. В.; Zarichna, O.V.; Мельник, Л. В.; Мельник, Л. В.; Melnyk, L. V.; Літвінова, А. М.; Литвинова, А. Н.; Litvinova, A. M. (Вінниця : ТОВ фірма «Планер», 2018)
      The article is dedicated to incorporation of authentic video resources, films and trailers in particular, in the process of foreign language learning. The article presents an integral methodology of using this video resource ...
    • Indicators of level development of the Olympic knowledge of elementary school pupils 

      Misjura, Alina; Місюра, Аліна; Vrublevskiy, Eugenу; Врублевський, Євгеній (ТОВ «Планер», 2019)
      The Olympic Movement – the social phenomenon, having a huge impact on many spheres of society life, especially on education. Inclusion of the Olympic bases in the process of education promotes the formation of pupils’ ...
    • Individual approach in the development of muscle mass in women of mature age 

      Naumenko, Yanina; Науменко, Яніна; Vrublevskiy, Eugeny; Врублевський, Євгеній; Sevdaleva, Kseniya; Севдалева, Ксенія (ТОВ «Планер», 2019)
      This article deals with the current trend in the work of most fitness clubs - personal training. The description of the work of an individual trainer and the advantages of such classes are given. Emphasis is placed on ...
    • Influence of Chlormequatchloride on Morphogenesis and Productivity of Cruciferous Plants 

      Polyvanyi, S.; Polyvana, A.; Sakalova, H.; Shevchuk, O.; Khodanitska, O.; Tkachuk, O.; Matviichuk, O.; Knyazuk, O.; Stepanenko, I.; Zavalnyuk, O. (Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022)
      At present, there are burning issues concerning waste utilization of the agro-industrial complex, rational usage of nature and transition to the use of environmentally friendly and low-waste technologies. One of the most ...
    • Influence of dextrel and paklobutrazol retarders on productivity of sugar beet plants 

      Shevchuk, O. A; Шевчук, О.А. (Praga : Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o., 2018)
      Застосування препаратів ретардантної дії декстрелу та паклобутразолу на рослинах цукрового буряка у фази 60-ти та 80-ти днів вегетації підвищувало продуктивність культури: масу коренеплодів та цукристість.
    • Influence of fitness techniques integration on the development of physical qualities and morpho-functional state of adult females 

      Kruty, К.; Mozolev, О.; Bloshchynskyi, І.; Prontenko, К.; Zdanevych, L.; Popovych, O.; Pisotska, L.; Крутій, К.; Мозолєв, О.; Блощинський, І.; Пронтенко, К.; Зданевич, Л.; Попович, О.; Пісоцька, Л.; Крутий, К.; Мозолев, О.; Блощинский, И.; Пронтенко, К.; Зданевич, Л.; Попович, О.; Писоцкая, Л. (Hum Mov, 2021)
      The article focuses on the influence of recreational fitness exercises on the level of adult females’ physical qualities and morpho-functional state development. Overall, 32 women aged 30–45 years took part in the research, ...
    • Influence of foliar feeding on the grain productivity of corn hybrids in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine 

      Kolisnyk, O.M.; Khodanitska, O.O.; Butenko, A.O.; Lebedieva, N.A. (Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2020)
      Ukraine is a large agricultural country with grain production of more than 60 million tons. At that, the percentage of tilled agricultural land reaches 80%, and in some regions even exceeds 90%. The environmental imbalance ...
    • Influence of gibberellin inhibitors on the accumulation and redistribution of various forms of carbohydrates and nitrogencontaining compounds in plants of Solanum melongena L. 

      Rogach, V.; Reshetnyk, K.; Kuryata, V.; Rogach, T. (Biologija, 2020)
      The 0.025% tebuconazole (EW-250), 0.25% chlormequat chloride (CCC-750), and 0.15% ethephon (2-CEPA) influences growth processes, the leaf apparatus, chlorophyll concentration and various carbohydrates forms, and total ...
    • Influence of Growth Inhibitors on a Leaf Aparatus of Poppy Oil 

      Polyvanyi, S.V. (Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Biological Sciences, 2019)
      During the field experiment we studied the effect of chlormequat-chloride and folikyr on the morphological peculiarities of the leaf surface formation and the anatomical indices of the leaves of the oilseed poppy plants. ...
    • Influence of plant growth regulators on anatomical of fodder bean leaves 

      Шевчук, О.; Shevchuk, О.; Шевчук, В.; Shevchuk, V. (2020)
      Досліджено організацію мезоструктури листкового апарату та вміст пігменту у листках при застосуванні регуляторів росту з різним механізмом дії – есфону (2-HEFC) (0,2%) (етиленпродуцент) та Епіну (0,1 мл/л) (стимулятор ...
    • Influence on emotional sphere of future teacher’s personality in the process of it’s general pedagogical teacher training ( practical aspect ) 

      Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Svyshch, N. M.; Grytsyk, N. V. (2020)
      The process of studying pedagogical disciplines in this direction almost wasn‟t researched. But the disciplines of the pedagogical cycle next to literature, history, culture hide in themselves an extraordinary ...
    • Innovative academic entrepreneurship as a driver of transformational change in higher education and science 

      Romanovskyi, O. O.; Romanovska, Y. Y.; Romanovska, O. O.; El, Makhdi Mokhamed; Романовський, О. О.; Романовська, Ю. Ю.; Романовська, О. О.; Ель, Махді Мохамед (2022)
      The purpose of the work is the study of the complex essence of higher education as an integral part of the anthroposphere (technosphere); definition of the main fundamental tasks of innovative academic (university) ...
    • Inspection of the Monastic Hegumens of Lviv Union Eparchy in 1724 

      Pavlyshyn, A. (Вінниця : Твори, 2021)
      The aim of the research is to introduce an important source of the history of the church, in particular the monasticism of the Lviv Union eparchy of the first half of the XVIII century into scientific circulation – “Inspection ...
    • Institutional Repositories as a Global Dissemination Tool of Educational and Scientific Information 

      Lazarenko, Nataliia; Kolomiiets, Alla; Bilous, Valentyna; Zahorodnii, Serhii; Gromov, Ievgen; Zhovnych, Olesia; Ivanichkina, Natalia; Лазаренко, Н.; Коломієць, А.; Білоус, В.; Загородній, С.; Жовнич, О.; Іванічкіна, Н. (Faculty of Education, Queen's University, 2022)
      The authors present an overview of publications on the introduction and use of digital institutional repositories (DIR) in different countries and in Ukraine. A variety of reference and scientific literature, and publications ...
    • Integrated approach to developing the foreign language competence of philological specialities in theory and practice. 

      Bondar, N. D. (2022)
      The article provides a systematic analysis of articles, dissertations, monographs and other literary sources on the definition of an integrated approach to the training of specialists in the field of philology. It is proved ...
    • Interest of the pre-service teachers in the alcohol-related issues 

      Ivanchuk, A. V.; Zuziak, T. P.; Marushchak, O. V.; Solovei, V. V.; Krasylnykova, I. V.; Hlukhaniuk, V. M.; Krupka, V. P. (Scientia Socialis Ltd, 2023)
      A typical didactic problem associated with teaching the discipline "Health, Safety, and Fundamentals of Occupational Safety" is the low level of student interest in the content of the educational material. The purpose of ...
    • International charity and cooperation projects regarding the organization of volunteer posttraumatic growth programs 

      Vizniuk, Inessa Mykolaivna; Dolynyny, Serhii Serhiyovych; Volohata, Kateryna Mykolaivna; Romashchuk, Olga Ihorivna (Київ : Громадська наукова організація «Всеукраїнська асамблея докторів наук з державного управління, 2024)
      The article reveals the international perspectives of the volunteer movement following the consequences of mental trauma in the conditions of an antiterrorist operation in the war with the Russian Federation. The subject ...
    • Is Artificial Intelligence a Utopia or the Future of Foreign Language Learning? 

      Грачова, І. Є.; Ворначев, А.; Кушмал, Л.; Нікольська, Н.; Hrachova, I.; Vornachev, A.; Kushmar, L.; Nikolska, N. (AWEJ, 2024)
      У роботі розглядається проблема штучного майбутнього у вивченні англійської мови. Англійська мова займає провідне місце у всіх сферах людської діяльності. У 21 столітті це непросто уявити людську діяльність без допомоги ...